As an Indian, What Do I Want to Be?

Praveen Palkhade
4 min readOct 8, 2024


India is a land of diverse cultures, vibrant history, and boundless potential. As an Indian, I stand at the crossroads of tradition and modernity, looking not just inward to understand my identity but also outward to contribute meaningfully to the world. So, the question arises: What do I want to be?

The Dreamer Who Believes in a Better India

First and foremost, I want to be a dreamer, a believer in the possibility of an India that rises above its challenges to reach its highest potential. This India is not just a vision; it’s a work-in-progress — a collective dream shared by every citizen who dares to imagine an equitable, progressive, and sustainable society.

To make this vision a reality, I want to be an individual who cultivates empathy and social responsibility. In a country as vast and diverse as ours, unity lies in understanding each other’s perspectives, respecting our differences, and working toward common goals. If I can spread kindness and understanding in my personal and professional spaces, I believe I can spark change in others, too.

The Innovator Who Redefines India’s Future

In today’s rapidly evolving world, innovation is the key to unlocking growth. India has no shortage of talent or ideas. As an Indian, I want to contribute to the innovation wave sweeping across the country by fostering creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Imagine the transformative power of innovation in education, healthcare, and infrastructure. I dream of an India where technology bridges the gap between rural and urban, where smart cities coexist with lush green villages, and where every child, no matter where they’re born, has equal access to world-class education. This is the India that I, as an innovator, want to help build.

The Environmental Steward Who Protects India’s Rich Heritage

India’s natural beauty is breathtaking — majestic mountains, vast oceans, dense forests, and fertile plains. But the environment is fragile, and it’s facing unprecedented challenges. As an Indian, I want to be a steward of the land, someone who advocates for sustainable development and the conservation of our rich natural resources.

India’s culture has always been deeply connected to nature. Whether it’s the reverence for rivers like the Ganges or the biodiversity of the Western Ghats, our relationship with the environment is sacred. I want to honor this legacy by promoting eco-friendly practices in everyday life. From reducing plastic waste to supporting renewable energy initiatives, I believe small actions can create big impacts. This is the India I want to leave for future generations — a greener, cleaner, and more conscious nation.

The Advocate for Social Justice and Equality

India’s strength lies in its diversity. However, this diversity also presents challenges — social inequalities, gender discrimination, and caste-based prejudices still exist. As an Indian, I want to be an advocate for social justice, a voice for the marginalized, and a champion of equality for all.

I dream of an India where every citizen, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive. I want to contribute to this vision by engaging in meaningful conversations about inclusivity, by standing up for the rights of those whose voices often go unheard, and by promoting the values of fairness and dignity in all areas of life. An India that ensures justice for its weakest will undoubtedly be a beacon of hope for the world.

The Global Citizen Who Represents India on the World Stage

India is a rising global power, and as an Indian, I want to be a representative of this evolving role. We have so much to offer the world — our rich cultural heritage, our technological advancements, and our philosophies of peace and harmony. As a global citizen, I want to take the best of India and share it with the world.

But being a global citizen also means learning from others. I want to embrace the diversity of the world, to learn from different cultures, and to work toward global solutions for issues like climate change, poverty, and terrorism. In this interconnected age, the challenges we face are not confined by borders. By working together with other nations, India can be a leader in creating a more just and peaceful world.

The Indian Who Inspires Others to Dream Big

Above all, I want to be an inspiration. I want to live a life that encourages others to dream big, to work hard, and to believe in the power of their contributions to society. In a country as populous as India, it’s easy to feel like a small fish in a vast ocean. But I believe that every Indian has the potential to make a difference, no matter how small their actions may seem.

I want to inspire my fellow citizens to think beyond the conventional, to question the status quo, and to always aim for excellence. If each one of us strives to be the best version of ourselves, imagine the collective strength of 1.4 billion Indians working together for a brighter future.

What I Want to Be as an Indian

So, what do I want to be as an Indian? I want to be a dreamer, an innovator, an environmental steward, a social justice advocate, a global citizen, and a source of inspiration. I want to live in an India where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, where we protect our environment, where we celebrate diversity, and where we play a positive role on the global stage.

This is the India I want to see, and this is the India I am willing to work for — because the future of India is not just in the hands of policymakers or leaders. It’s in the hands of every Indian, including me.



Praveen Palkhade

Am SEO Consultant. I have been building and ranking websites since 2008. SEO has become my main focus and getting the websites flooded with targeted traffic.